
Friday, August 22, 2014

The Excuse

So yeah I haven't blogged much. It's sad. The story is I did some major cleanup and reorganizing for Christmas, last Christmas. And I knew if I started pulling out yarn it would grow in large piles/bags around my computer. I even bought a tote for under the desk and every time I get the urge I think no, you'll only make a mess. No ones asked me to make anything and there haven't been any real occasions or invitations to justify digging into my stash. My only contact has been gazing longingly at the yarn isle, the half of one side of an isle its down too, at Wal-Mart. There was the short reprieve of back-to-school stuff to ogle but no new yarn for over a year! I've been reading and writing and playing a lot of Warcraft. (MMORG) Alas my Wow account is frozen until the new expansion because there isn't much point until then. (Dec) Rift just isn't the same. I do have my homemade bag of leftover yarn which I've used to make little things. Pen covers to ease the cramp of my fingers and that stupid writing bump. The store bought 'jelly' ones are ok but the crochet is easier to vary the thickness and using it contours it to your grip. Also it identifies those pens I will hunt down if they disappear. Its a family affliction to have a 'thing' for writing implements. We hide, steal, and horde them, even if they no longer work. The three worst offenders are myself, my oldest son and my father. (my sister would be included if she didn't live hours away) But we've come to terms somewhat. My son prefers mechanical pencils, my father black ink and myself any color but black ink. So it kind of works out.
Then there are the cute things I run across by accident. I found an owl pattern very similar to others I've seen but this one was made to be opened as a pouch and not stuffed. My youngest son's birthday is in Oct. and I thought they would make cute little favors to include with the cupcakes and massive amount of cookies I know my mother will bring in for his class. Owls are the school mascot. Using my scraps I could vary the owls so almost every one was unique. And then fill them with dollar store goodies. Tiny Erasers, toys, and wrapped candies. The ideal just really appeals to me.

The little prototype needs a better 'latch'. I used a loop from the hood around it's beak. I was thinking maybe a long bead instead. The eyes aren't attached and the owl was a little larger than I was shooting for. But otherwise it would work. So I will be visiting a craft store soon! (Yay)
A few days ago I got the urge to make something... else. My first thought was to pull out some of the wip's  that sit in my stash. That star blanket of scraps that could use a few more rounds was a contender. But I decided on the tank top I was making from a repurposed pullover I made for my youngest. It was the softest baby blue variegated yarn. (stonewashed denim 'ish) He loved it and wore it all of once.
It's still a wip but it is further along and sits in a tote ready to go with me should I need something mindless to do while carting the kids here to there or watching the youngest run about.

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