
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Key Lanyard

I am so tired of never being able to find my keys. This lanyard lets me hang my keys over the side of my computer chair or if they don't make it there I at least have about 2 ft of bright material to spot them by. Just a few keys on some rings can fall ANYWHERE
Bright orange and blue, my high school colors. Really simple to make. I don't remember how many chains I started with but my lanyard is long. I wanted to not only wear it around my neck but able to loop it through a purse handle and anywhere else I ended up sticking it. So simple. Start with orange or center color chain off the length you want your lanyard and add 4 st. (add wont matter unless you want an exact length). dc back over chain, fasten off after last st and weave in end. Using blue , or outside color sl st back over dc thru both loops, sl st twice in end and continue around other side. fasten off at end with a tail to sew end together. Place a ring on the lanyard and stitch the end together, slid the ring to the join and sew behind the ring to keep it in place, BUT not too tight because that ring needs to slid freely if your putting keys on it.(I have a latch hook I use it just clips on) You don't have to secure the ring but the thought of the keys sliding all over the place is annoying to me.  The stitches give an interesting patten. I wasn't to concerned as long as it was sturdy but the two sides contrast nicely. You can see both sides in the pic if ya look. I its sturdy and works for the purpose.

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